
Nonprofits and volunteers are the backbone of our country. Valued beyond measure, grassroots nonprofits keep our communities thriving. You are the fundraisers, the volunteer coordinators, the newsletter writers, the door-to-door canvassers; you are the nonprofit keeping the lights on at the rink, stocking the community food pantry, getting laptops for the school. All-In Changemaker Consulting Inc. supports grassroots nonprofits, the volunteers and staff, doing this good work.

In short, we help grassroots nonprofits be the change they want to see in the world.


  • Are a grassroots nonprofit with few (or no!) employees and many volunteers.
  • Want to communicate more effectively with those you serve – your donors, the community, your funders, your volunteers.
  • Have dreams for your grassroots nonprofit and aren’t sure how to go about setting goals and making a plan to get things done.
  • Get bogged down with all the ‘stuff’ needed to be a nonprofit and want help to sort it out.


  • Have decades of experience to help you with your grassroots nonprofit.
  • Want you to succeed.
  • Want a win-win.
  • Am fun, relaxed, non-judgmental, know it can be hard to manage a nonprofit, know you’re short on volunteers, know you want useful ideas that are easy to achieve.

How Can We Help YOU?

A quick consultation call with Beth Harding will give you insight into how we can help you and your nonprofit.

Perhaps you need help engaging your community? Perhaps you need some strategic planning to make sure you get where you want to go? Maybe a communications audit, plan, and implementation are needed? Board training? Social media planning? We've got you covered.

Give Beth a call and we'll chat about how we can support your good work.


Set up a call with Beth